Diagnostic laboratory Medicare PLUS is located in Ljubljana, Slovenia. We specialize in Biochemistry analysis from saliva and blood.
with Acreditation
Our testing laboratory has been appreciated by the Slovenian Ministry of Health (Ministrstvo za Zdravje, RS).
Medicare PLUS
We are the only lab in Slovenia performing Salivary hormone testing.
Salivary hormones
In order to get free, biologically active value, we perform measurements of hormones from saliva. Saliva is a useful biological fluid for assaying hormones such as cortisol, progesterone, estradiol, testosterone, cortisol, melatonin and DHEA.
Since collection is simple it is most comfortable for our patients to collect samples at home. We provide detailed instructions for collecting whole saliva by passive drool. Upon collecting the sample saliva is sent to the laboratory for the analysis. The result are ready within 5-7 days.
Because the collection of saliva samples is non-invasive, it has the advantage of not introducing further stress on the patient that may otherwise distort results.
Saliva testing, with ease of collection and being a stable media when compared to blood testing, can also be used in veterinary field with mammals.
Food intolerance
In Food intolerance testing we measure specific IgG4 antibodies that are formed as a result of allergen in certain food. Intolerance is a delayed reaction, unlike typical food allergy. Symptoms that occur 4-72 hours after ingestion can include nausea, headaches, vomiting, diarrhea and unexplained rashes.
We offer various food panels, which differ by the number of allergens (from 20 up to 184 different allergens). We perform analysis ourselves, the results are ready within 2 days.
Analyzed sample is serum. Because we only need small amount of sample it is possible to carry out an investigation of capillary blood, or from the dried blood on paper (blood spot).
In the laboratory report the result are sorted according to class (number of IgG4 antibodies). The higher the class the greater the number of antibodies and multiple symptoms is to be expected.
Prenatal screening
Down’s Syndrome screening combines determination of two hormones fBhCG (free beta human chorionic gonadotrophin) and PAPP-A (pregnancy associated plasma protein). The values are used by a licensed gynecologist FMF (fetal medicine foundation) in order to calculate the risk of chromosomal birth defects.
Alalysis are performed on a Nobel Prize award-winning Brahms Analyzer. On a monthly basis we participate in the UKNEQAS international scheme, which represents the gold standard for the reliability of laboratory results.
Analyzed sample is serum. Results of analysis are released the same day after receiving the samples. We also provide quick and safe transport of the sample from doctors and clinics to our lab.
% Certain everything is alright
Our laboratory with it’s unique Know-how is also awailable for rent for research purposes. We focus on manual ELISA techniques which provide the possibility to measure the majority of markers from the fields of Biochemistry and Immunology.
In manual ELISA techniques intra and inter assay between runs is very important, which we ensure with participation in Slovenian as well as foreign Quality schemes. All the controls, standards and testing samples are carried out in duplicate. We provide regular maintenance of equipment and calibration of pipettes. We wash on the automatic washer and we also provide full traceability of the sample.